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国际合作是成功的基础 全球过渡 to 清洁能源. 资源必须是共享的 投资 in import, export and cross-border infrastructure that benefit shared economies and communities. 在全球地缘政治不确定的背景下, business and 政府ernment leaders from the United States and Japan convened in Tokyo this fall to discuss shared commitments toward decarbonization and 能源安全 勾勒出一条合作前进的道路.

美国.S. 商会的 U.S.-日本经济协会 (USJBC)和日美同盟.S. 美国商业理事会认为,“美国经济正在走下坡路。.S. 日本必须成为引领世界走向平衡未来的关键角色 脱碳 电力行业和保障 安全稳定的能源 供应.”

特雷福Mihalik他是Sempra的执行副总裁兼首席财务官 塔尼亚·奥尔蒂斯·梅纳, 森普拉基础设施公司总裁, 参加了在东京举行的USJBC第60届年度商务会议并发表讲话 全球能源挑战 并分享森普拉基础设施公司为日本清洁燃料市场服务的渴望.


在第60届美国总统大选的舞台上,一组参与者.S.2023年-日本商务会议会议期间, Mihalik谈到了ReaCH4, 正在通过一个 财团 由森普拉基础设施、东京燃气公司组成.大阪煤气株式会社.东宝煤气股份有限公司. 和三菱公司. 拟议中的项目预计将生产约13万吨 自然气 在美国墨西哥湾沿岸每年都有大量的石油泄漏.S.然后出口到日本,以支持日本的脱碳目标. It could serve as the first link of an international 供应 chain of liquefied 自然气, 一种碳中性合成气体,产自 可再生氢 再循环的二氧化碳.

此外,奥尔蒂斯·梅纳也是 任命 担任美国联合银行董事会主席,并担任美国联合银行董事会主席.S. USJBC能源和基础设施工作组联合主席. 拥有超过20年的职业生涯,包括在森普拉 公司家族Ortiz Mena是 最近命名 森普拉基础设施公司总裁. In this role, Ortiz Mena leads the company’s three business lines: clean power, energy networks, and 液化天然气 零净解决方案.

考虑到日本对进口能源的严重依赖,美国认为.S.-日本经济协会 has shown great initiative in recognizing the value of energy to national 证券交易委员会urity and its economic development,奥尔蒂斯·梅纳说. “我们很高兴能帮助加强委员会与我们公司的合作 深刻的体验, 高水平人才 和跨部门的多功能性,以帮助实现持续的美国经济增长.S.美日能源安全合作和更清洁的能源未来.”



特雷弗·米哈利克和塔尼亚·奥尔蒂斯·梅纳在美国.S.2023年-日本商务会议Japan is one of America’s strongest energy partners with shared interests in decarbonization and 能源安全,以及共同努力的承诺 英国最大赌博365网站 对所有.

在过去的两年里,美国政府一直在努力.S. and Japan have signed five bi-lateral agreements solidifying the commitment of both countries to cooperate on clean energy and 能源安全. ReaCH4项目体现了美国的目标.S. 能源部和日本能源省, 贸易和工业领域的合作备忘录 碳捕获、利用和储存; 转化及循环再造,以及二氧化碳的去除.

2022年10月,美国联合广播公司和日美联合广播公司.S. 美国工商理事会向美国政府提出了建议.S. 美国和日本政府要求建立一个日美同盟.S. 建立能源安全对话. The first Dialogue was held December 2022 and the 证券交易委员会ond one was held in October 2023 with Sempra基础设施 participating in the meeting.

森普拉基础设施,三井和三菱公司是合作伙伴 卡梅伦液化天然气,与…一起 TotalEnergies 和NYK(日本文化协会). 第一阶段 位于路易斯安那州卡梅伦教区的这家工厂正在帮助满足全球对稀土的需求 液化天然气 (液化天然气),年出口能力1200万吨(Mtpa). 一个完全允许的 第二阶段 目前正在开发将容量增加6.75吨. 扩建工程将使用电动马达, which is expected to improve the e任务s profile of 第二阶段 and to allow the facility to export additional lower-cost, 安全, U.S. 面向全球市场的液化天然气.

Cameron液化天然气合作伙伴也在探索开发 Hackberry碳封存. 拟建项目, 预计将成为北美首批碳封存设施之一, is being designed to advance the company’s net-zero solutions by producing cleaner 液化天然气 for 卡梅伦液化天然气 and potentially other third-party customers. 二氧化碳(CO2), 通过管道输送到压缩设备, would be permanently stored in a saline aquifer with a capacity of up to two million tonnes of CO2 per year.

美国SJBC 60th Annual Business Conference confirmed the joint commitment of energy leaders in the U.S. and Japan to mutually pursuing decarbonization and 能源安全 through smart infrastructure 投资. 通过共同努力,雄心壮志可以变成现实.




This article contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. 前瞻性陈述是基于对未来的假设, 涉及风险和不确定性, 并不是保证. Future results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement. These forward-looking statements represent our estimates and assumptions only as of the date of this article. We assume no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement as a result of new information, 未来事件或其他.

在本文中, 前瞻性陈述可以通过“相信”等词来识别,”“希望,”“意愿,”“预测,”“思考,”“计划,”“估计,”“项目,”“预测,”“应该,”“可以,”“会,”“会,”“有信心,”“可能,”“可以,”“潜在,”“可能,”“提出,"正在处理中",”“构建,”“发展,”“机会,“”倡议,”“目标,”“前景,”“乐观,”“准备,”“保持,”“继续,”“进步,”“进步,“”的目标,“”的目标,”“提交,或类似的表达, 或者当我们讨论我们的指导时, 优先级, 策略, 目标, 愿景, 任务, 机会, 预测, 意图或期望.

因素, 等, that could cause actual results and 事件 to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement include: California wildfires, including potential liability for damages regardless of fault and any inability to recover all or a substantial portion of costs from insurance, 加州议会第1054号法案设立的野火基金, rates from customers or a combination thereof; decisions, 调查, 调查, 规定, 拒绝或撤销许可证, 同意, 批准或其他授权, 特许经营权的续期, (i)加州公用事业委员会(CPUC), Comisión Reguladora de Energía, U.S. 美国能源部.S. 美国联邦能源管理委员会、德州公用事业委员会.S. 美国国税局和其他政府和监管机构.S., 墨西哥和各州, 县, cities and other jurisdictions therein and in other countries where we do business; the success of business development efforts, 建设项目, 收购, 资产剥离和其他重大交易, 包括(1)能够作出最终投资决定的风险, (二)按期、按预算完成建设工程或者其他交易的, (iii)如果完成这些工作,实现任何这些工作的预期收益, and (iv) obtaining third-party 同意 and approvals; macroeconomic trends or other factors that could change our capital expenditure plans and their potential impact on rate base or other growth; litigation, 仲裁, 财产纠纷及其他诉讼, 以及法律法规的变化, including those related to tax and trade policy and the energy industry in Mexico; cyber证券交易委员会urity threats, 包括国家和国家资助的行为者, of ransomware or other attacks on our systems or the systems of third parties with which we conduct business, 包括能源网或其他能源基础设施, all of which continue to become more pronounced; the availability, 使用, 充分性, and cost of capital resources and our ability to borrow money or otherwise raise capital on favorable terms and meet our obligations, including due to (i) actions by credit rating agencies to downgrade our credit ratings or place those ratings on negative outlook, (二)资本市场不稳定, or (iii) rising interest rates and inflation; failure of foreign 政府ernments, state-owned entities and our counterparties to honor their contracts and commitments; the impact on affordability of San Diego Gas & 电力公司的可持续发展目标&E) and Southern California Gas Company’s (SoCalGas) customer rates and their cost of capital and on SDG&E’s, SoCalGas’ 和Sempra基础设施’s ability to pass through higher costs to customers due to (i) volatility in inflation, 利率和商品价格, (ii)关于可持续发展目标&E ' s和SoCalGas的业务, 加州向清洁能源转型的成本, 以及(iii)关于Sempra基础设施的业务, volatility in foreign currency exchange rates; the impact of climate and sustainability policies, 法律, 规则, 规定, 信息披露和趋势, 包括采取行动减少或消除对天然气的依赖, increased uncertainty in the political or regulatory environment for California natural gas distribution companies, 搁浅资产无法收回的风险, and our ability to incorporate new technologies; weather, 自然灾害, 大流行, 事故, 设备故障, 爆炸, 恐怖主义, 信息系统中断或其他影响我们运作的事件, 破坏我们的设施或系统, 造成有害物质的释放或火灾,或使我们承担损害赔偿责任, 罚款及罚则, some of which may not be recoverable through regulatory mechanisms or insurance or may impact our ability to obtain satisfactory levels of affordable insurance; the availability of electric power, 天然气和天然气储存能力, 包括输电网故障造成的中断, pipeline system or limitations on the withdrawal of natural gas from storage facilities; Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC’s (Oncor) ability to reduce or eliminate its quarterly dividends due to regulatory and 政府ernance requirements and commitments, including by actions of Oncor’s independent directors or a minority member director; and other uncertainties, 其中一些是难以预测的,超出了我们的控制范围.

These risks and uncertainties are further discussed in the reports that Sempra has filed with the U.S. 美国证券交易委员会(SEC). 这些报告可在证券交易委员会网站上通过EDGAR系统免费获得。 www.证券交易委员会.政府和森普拉的 网站. 投资者不应过分依赖任何前瞻性陈述.

Sempra基础设施, 森普拉基础设施合作伙伴, Sempra德州, 森普拉德州公用事业公司, Oncor和基础设施能源, S.A.P.I. de C.V. (IEnova)和加州公用事业公司SDG不一样&E或SoCalGas, 和Sempra基础设施, 森普拉基础设施合作伙伴, Sempra德州, 森普拉德州公用事业公司, Oncor和IEnova不受CPUC的监管.

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